Inter House Activities

For creating the inspiration of various activities like debate, speech, essay writing and other competitions school has found the House systems. There are four houses.

Each House is under the charge of House Incharge and Prefects Boys and Girls, who are responsible for discipline. The houses names are based on four pillars of GYAN.

For creating the inspiration of various activities like debate, speech, essay writing and other competitions school has found the House systems. There are four houses.

G- Glorious

Y- Youth

A- Ambitious

N- Noble

The true essence of a school lies, not in its infrastructure of four walls but its overall purpose imparting quality education which includes the art of shaping individual's personality through physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development. The aim of our school is to develop the personality of our students with such qualities that will make them respected citiziens of our country following these rules of education, Our school has alloted houses to the students. The Name of the houses are kept on the initials of our school's name GYAN.

The houses are:

Which signifies morality and peace that means children should respect the moral ethics. By this they can develop peace in society. A person who sticks to his moral values is said to bear a good character and a strong man character, a powerful character can change a nation.

Basically, our four houses are the pillars of education, and the students are the flag bearers of these ideas. All the houses are linked with housewise competitions. Every competition carry points for the house. Highest point house will win the honor and prize at the end of the session.

Which signifies Glory of Knowledge that means learning. Education doesn't means going to school and getting good marks, it means becoming educated. A person can get good marks and become educated. True education is learning how to learn. Once you discoursed this lesson, learning became fun.

Which signifies Power of Youth that means "Youth' are the power house and store house of infinite energy. Therefore, if we want to ensure a bright future for the student, we first need to strengthen and empower them.

Which signifies Ambition for education that means children as students need ambition, because without the desire to succeed, there is absolutely no way in today's world. Ambition builds up a student and completes him into an amazing human beings.